

Currently having a serious sep-anx after finishing the book I was reading today and I just had this biggest urge to pass by and just write something here in my little page, hmm well might as well do right! Since the last time I wrote something here was probably ages ago anyway.

Honestly though I’m just simply feeling very nostalgic today is all. Probably because this attachment feeling I am having from this book is something that I haven’t felt in a long while.

While having our after dinner walk in the park with my lil fam today, I kind of just felt very nostalgic, first as stated earlier I was thinking a lot about the book and also we were walking at the park near my old school where as a former student pretty much spent most of our (school) outdoor activities here, also as a teenager. And it just made me miss my younger self. (I’m turning 30 next year!!!! Like what?!)

Anywaaays, I just miss the things I used to like and enjoy when I was younger, things that I kind of had lost interest with along the way because life- when you get older, it becomes complicated, and adulthood is a confusing stage in life with no precautions, no right directions nor instructions on how to puzzle it all together. The loud sound and echoing pressure from different areas of the society will deafen your senses and blurry your sights ahead, but each puzzle piece will eventually fit each other, so don’t worry, you’re doing great, champ! (looking back to my old written posts here about my journey to adulthood, which I wrote during my teenage years giving me mixed reactions atm hahaha.. )

I just longingly remember the days where I enjoyed writing, writing my thoughts and poems. I also miss reading a lot, though I made a promise that I’ll be rekindling with my first love (reading obviously) and set a goal to read at least 50 books this year… Haha okay probably too ambitious there, but I’ll see how many I’ll finish by year ends. (started reading again last month).

Anywhooo when we got home, my partner and I just turned on Spotify and just started listening to old songs (feat. my daughter’s tantrums in the background somewhere here and there of course)

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